Wallet operations

create a new keypair:

namadaw gen --alias $WALLET

restore existing wallet:

namada wallet derive --alias $WALLET --hd-path default

find your wallet address:

namadaw find --alias $WALLET

add some tokens using faucet:


check balance:

namadac balance --owner $WALLET

check all known keys and addresses in the wallet:

namadaw list

send payment from one address to another:

namadac transfer --source $WALLET --target $\{WALLET\}1 --token NAAN --amount 1 --signing-keys $WALLET --memo $MEMO

remove keys:

namadaw remove --alias $WALLET --do-it


If you find this guide helpful, you can stake to our validator. 
We would really appreciate it! 🚀

add a variable with the validator address:

VAL_ADDRESS="tnam1q8vhe85yc5ttt7mveds58gyqzavfwnn9eqhfxpgc" # address of validator you want to stake to

export the variable:

echo "export VAL_ADDRESS="$VAL_ADDRESS"" >> $HOME/.bash_profile \
source $HOME/.bash_profile

delegate tokens:

namadac bond --source $WALLET --validator $VAL_ADDRESS --amount 500  --memo $MEMO

check your user bonds:

namadac bonds --owner $WALLET 

check all bonded nodes:

namadac bonded-stake 

add stake:

namadac bond --source $WALLET --validator $VAL_ADDRESS --amount 500  --memo $MEMO

unbond the tokens:

namadac unbond --source $WALLET --validator $VAL_ADDRESS --amount 15  --memo $MEMO

wait for 6 epochs, then check when the unbonded tokens can be withdrawed:

namadac bonds --owner $WALLET 

withdraw unbonded tokens:

namadac withdraw --source $WALLET --validator $VAL_ADDRESS  --memo $MEMO


namadac redelegate --owner $WALLET --source-validator $VAL_ADDRESS --destination-validator <destination-validator-address> --amount 10  --memo $MEMO

claim rewards:

namadac claim-rewards --source $WALLET --validator $VAL_ADDRESS  --memo $MEMO

query the pending reward tokens without claiming:

namadac rewards --source $WALLET --validator $VAL_ADDRESS 


generate key_1:

namadaw gen --alias $WALLET

generate key_2 and etc:

namadaw gen --alias $\{WALLET\}1

chech your public key:

namadaw find --alias $WALLET | awk '/Public key:/ {print $3}'

init non-multisig account (single signer):

namadac init-account --alias $\{WALLET\}-multisig --public-keys $WALLET --signing-keys $WALLET --memo $MEMO

init multisig account (at least 2 signers):

namadac init-account --alias $\{WALLET\}1-multisig --public-keys $WALLET,$\{WALLET\}1 --signing-keys $WALLET,$\{WALLET\}1 --threshold 2 --memo $MEMO

create a folder for a transaction:

mkdir tx_dumps

create transaction:

namadac transfer --source $\{WALLET\}1-multisig --target $\{WALLET\}1 --token NAAN --amount 10 --signing-keys $WALLET,$\{WALLET\}1 --dump-tx --output-folder-path tx_dumps --memo $MEMO

sign the transaction:

namadac sign-tx --tx-path "<path-to-.tx-file>" --signing-keys $WALLET,$\{WALLET\}1 --owner $\{WALLET\}1-multisig --memo $MEMO

save as a variable offline_signature 1:

export SIGNATURE_ONE="<signature-file-name>"

save as a variable offline_signature 2:

export SIGNATURE_TWO="<signature-2-file-name>"

submit transaction:

namadac tx --tx-path "<path-to-.tx-file>" --signatures $SIGNATURE_ONE,$SIGNATURE_TWO --owner $\{WALLET\}1-multisig --gas-payer $WALLET --memo $MEMO

changing the multisig threshold:

namadac update-account --address $\{WALLET\}1-multisig --threshold 1 --signing-keys $WALLET,$\{WALLET\}1 --memo $MEMO

check that the threshold has been updated correctly by running:

namadac query-account --owner $\{WALLET\}1-multisig

changing the public keys of a multisig account:

namadac update-account --address $\{WALLET\}1-multisig --public-keys $\{WALLET\}2,$\{WALLET\}3,$\{WALLET\}4 --signing-keys $WALLET,$\{WALLET\}1 --memo $MEMO

initialize an established account:

namadac init-account --alias $\{WALLET\}1-multisig --public-keys $\{WALLET\}2,$\{WALLET\}3,$\{WALLET\}4  --signing-keys $WALLET,$\{WALLET\}1  --threshold 1 --memo $MEMO


randomly generate a new spending key:

namadaw gen --shielded --alias $\{WALLET\}-shielded

create a new payment address:

namadaw gen-payment-addr --key $\{WALLET\}-shielded --alias $\{WALLET\}-shielded-addr

send a shielding transfer:

namadac transfer --source $WALLET --target $\{WALLET\}-shielded-addr --token NAAN --amount 10 --memo $MEMO

view balance:

namadac balance --owner $\{WALLET\}-shielded

generate another spending key:

namadaw gen --shielded --alias $\{WALLET\}1-shielded

create a payment address:

namadaw gen-payment-addr --key $\{WALLET\}1-shielded --alias $\{WALLET\}1-shielded-addr

shielded transfers (once the user has a shielded balance, it can be transferred to another shielded address):

namadac transfer  --source $\{WALLET\}-shielded --target $\{WALLET\}1-shielded-addr --token NAAN --amount 4 --signing-keys <your-implicit-account-alias> --memo $MEMO

unshielding transfers (from a shielded to a transparent account):

namadac transfer --source $\{WALLET\}-shielded --target $WALLET --token NAAN --amount 4 --signing-keys <your-implicit-account-alias> --memo $MEMO

Validator operations

check sync status and node info:

curl | jq

check balance:

namadac balance --owner $ALIAS

check keys:

namadaw list

find your validator address:

namadac find-validator --tm-address=$(curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq -r .result.validator_info.address) --node localhost:26657

stake funds:

namadac bond --source $WALLET --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --amount 10 --memo $MEMO


namadac bond --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --amount 10 --memo $MEMO

check your validator bond status:

namadac bonds --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS

check your user bonds:

namadac bonds --owner $WALLET

check all bonded nodes:

namadac bonded-stake

find all the slashes:

namadac slashes

non-self unbonding (validator alias can be used instead of address):

namadac unbond --source $WALLET --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --amount 1.5 --memo $MEMO


namadac unbond --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --amount 1.5 --memo $MEMO

withdrawing unbonded tokens (available 6 epochs after unbonding):

namadac withdraw --source $WALLET --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --memo $MEMO

find your validator status:

namadac validator-state --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS

check epoch:

namada client epoch

unjail, you need to wait 2 epochs:

namada client unjail-validator --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --node --memo $MEMO

deactivate validator:

namadac deactivate-validator --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --memo $MEMO

reactivate validator:

namadac reactivate-validator --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --memo $MEMO

Change consensus key:

namadac change-consensus-key --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --memo $MEMO --signing-keys $WALLET --node

Generate priv_validator_key:

namadaw convert --alias <consensus_key_name>

change validator commission rate:

namadac change-commission-rate --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --commission-rate <commission-rate> --memo $MEMO

change validator metadata:

namadac change-metadata --validator $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --memo $MEMO


all proposals list:

namadac query-proposal

edit proposal:

namadac query-proposal --proposal-id <PROPOSAL_ID>

save wallet address:

WALLET_ADDRESS=$(namadaw find --alias $WALLET | grep "Implicit" | awk '{print $3}')

import the variable into system:

echo "export WALLET_ADDRESS="$WALLET_ADDRESS"" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile


namadac vote-proposal --proposal-id <proposal-id> --vote yay --address $WALLET_ADDRESS --signing-keys $WALLET --memo $MEMO

Check your vote:

namadac query-proposal-votes --proposal-id <proposal_id> --voter $WALLET_ADDRESS

Sync and Consensus

check logs:

sudo journalctl -u namadad -f

check sync status and node info:

curl | jq

check consensus state:

curl -s localhost:26657/consensus_state | jq .result.round_state.height_vote_set[0].prevotes_bit_array

check consensus state:

curl -s localhost:26657/consensus_state | jq .result.round_state.height_vote_set[-2].prevotes_bit_array

full consensus state:

curl -s localhost:12657/dump_consensus_state

your validator votes (prevote):

curl -s http://localhost:26657/dump_consensus_state | jq '.result.round_state.votes[0].prevotes' | grep $(curl -s http://localhost:26657/status | jq -r '.result.validator_info.address[:12]')
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